Presence Everyday

                 with Chloe Rutherford ITEC, VCTC


Breathe 7 Day Challenge

For your wildly healthy life

Register HERE! 

A simple 7 day practice, connecting you to your breath and hormones using visulisation, reflexology and essential oils, stopping overwhelm, stress and anxiety in their tracks, giving you the ability to take back control of your life and health in the moment with simple practices that you can crucially maintain everyday.

I am so excited to be taking you on this journey! You are totally perfect for this experience because you are some of or even all of these –


  • You are deeply feeling and empathic 
  • You feel stressed and overwhelmed in your life
  • You are constantly balancing and juggling things in order to get through the day
  • You feel you have a hormonal imbalance at least some of the month
  • You are often reaching for things in the day that don’t do you good
  • You want to feel fully healthy and full of energy
  • You want to know how to listen to  your body
  • You struggle to stick to the things that are good for you and  make you feel great
  • You are not the kindest to yourself and often put ourself last behind others
  • You have stress/hormone related health issues that you may even be ignoring
  • You want to understand the way your body works better
  • You want to learn about reflexology and essential oils 
  • You would like to meet some likeminded sisters to share this experience with

 Chloe absolutely walks her talk and shares her gifts from her heart by creating and holding you in a beautiful space where true insight and transformation can take place.

Katie Foster

I expect this practice to fill up fast so, if you are in agreement with the details on this page, please register now.  We begin on Friday 17th November and I can only accept a limited number of women.  Are you ready to rediscover hormonal harmony and powerful self healing?  If so, Register Now!  It’s Free!


Breathe 7 Day Challenge

For your wildly healthy life

Register HERE! 



First let the person know who has invited you so they can send you an divine sample of essential oil in the post, asap, so you can use it in our challenge together.

 I’ll invite you into the private Facebook Group (which is where all the action will happen).

You’ll be asked to answer 3 short questions to gain access to the group.

You’ll be added to a small ‘Accountability tribe’ (these people will act as your supporters – as you will for them – as you move through the challenge).  

Then, once we begin, each day I’ll send you an email containing a link to a video.  In that video I will share with you about the hormonal area to be worked on for that day, why it is important and how to use reflexology and breath together with your essential oil. 

And then you’ll follow a simple but profoundly powerful process (which I’ll share when you’re inside the group) to:

– Watch the video about that days reflexology reflexes and breathing practice and do it with me. 

– Take a moment to reflect on what you learned/did today and share with your tribe in written form.

– Feedback to your tribe (I’ll give you some guidelines once you’re in).

You will need to commit to investing around 15 – 20 minutes (spread throughout the day) a day to showing up fully for this process AND for the other people in your tribe.  Please do not sign up if you cannot be fully invested energetically at this time.

Daily Devotion through healing practices is the key to all you are seeking. EVERYTHING begins here. Start with YOU and watch things unfold you never thought possible. You deserve nothing less than miracles. 

Chloe Rutherford

Mentor and Wellness Advocate at Presence Everyday



Understanding the mind/body connection and how that creates the foundation for sustainable health and happiness has been my passion for many years, using aromatherapy, reflexology and visulisation as my cornerstones. ‘The 7 Day Breathe Challenge’ is a unique, completely original (i.e. you won’t find this work ANYWHERE else) process that was born out of my experiences of working with 1000’s of clients, including mums, dads, children, CEO’s, Celebrities, artists, sports Icons, business owners and visionaries, over the last 15 years as a holistic therapist and mentor. Understanding the mind/body connection and how that creates the foundation for sustainable health and happiness has been my passion for many years, using aromatherapy, reflexology and visuisation as my cornerstones. 

In the year of 2012 my skills and knowledge as a holistic health practitioner were really put to the test as I spiralled out of control into post natal depression and anxiety. For all my years helping others I had been missing some vital underlying pieces to what was really needed to live with and from my divine nature. I needed to dig seriously deep and ask for help. I had no choice. It was either that or continue to spiral downward, feeling broken and affecting the lives of my young children. I couldn’t work and I was scared to be left on my own with my children at that time. Panic attacks were debilitating and I felt like I might die. With my own intuition and well chosen support, I began to reverse the downward spiral of suffering I was in, naturally, with no drugs or drs involved. Eventually I came to realise that I had actually been through an awakening, a breakthrough NOT breakdown as I had thought. As practicing presence, the power of being in the moment, became a strong focus for me my life changed in profound ways. I joinded this new practice with all my holistic skills to find the most amazing ways of droping into my body and promoting healing and health daily for myself and my family too. The anxiety, panic attacks and debilitating stress left, for good.
This practice is profound and life affirming (your life affirming) and a wonderful basis to begin a new narritive with your amazing body. Whatever your circumstances, turning within to support your body to balance itself will change everything if you practice daily. Bringing together the practical and deep knowledge of our ancesters about how your body holistically works, with the amazing tools of reflexology and essentials oils, and the divine practice of breathing will bring you closer to your true essence everyday. And before long it can become a habit that creates your life and body anew. Your sacred cells are always looking for thier harmony, you are the perfect person to help them do that and I am so excited to show you how!




7 Days to reconnect with your hormonal harmony and inner being.

(bringing you the ability to lovingly guide your body and mind to deeper peace and love) 

                                                See you there. X